
How to psychologically prepare for the test?
In order not to "lose your head" in a critical situation, you must not set yourself extraordinary tasks. You should not wait until the situation becomes catastrophic. It is necessary to prepare for it in advance in a state of relative calm. Start preparing for the test early, in parts. If it's hard to concentrate, gather your thoughts, start with something simple.
There is no need to overeat before the test.
Learn to perform a few simple exercises that will help relieve internal tension, relax, and improve your mood.
After taking the task, sit comfortably, straighten your back.
Focus on the words: "I am calm." Repeat these words slowly several times. It is not necessary to "drive away" thoughts, as this will cause additional tension.
Mentally repeat 5-6 times: "The right hand is heavy." Then repeat the original formula: "I am calm." Then again 5-6 times the words: "The left hand is heavy." Then repeat: "I am calm."
At the end, make fists. Take a deep breath and exhale. Then everything from the beginning, but only the legs should be heavy.
Breathing exercises also help to relieve tension, try to master several methods. Sit comfortably:
1st phase (4-6 s): deep breath through the nose;
2nd phase (2-3 s): breath hold;
3rd phase (4-6 s): slow smooth exhalation through the nose;
4th phase (2-3 s): holding of breath, etc.
Don't forget: you need to get a good night's sleep before the test!

How to accumulate the necessary energy?
The effectiveness of your work depends on the inner energy that manifests itself in your activities. How to accumulate such energy?
The simplest method is to accumulate energy through deep rhythmic breathing.
We direct our palms upwards, inhale for 8 seconds, hold our breath for the same amount of time, try to feel how the energy spreads throughout the body.
Eight seconds - we exhale slowly, we make the same pause on exhalation, preparing ourselves for a new breath of energy. This exercise can be done several times a day for 10-15 minutes, daily increasing the duration of each operation from 8 to 12 seconds.

What to do when your eyes are tired?
During preparation for the test, the strain on the eyes increases. If the eyes are tired, it means that the body is also tired: it may not have enough strength to complete the task. It is necessary to allow the eyes to rest. So, do the following exercises:
1. Look alternately up-down (15 s), left-right (15 s).
2. Draw your name, surname with your eyes.
3. Fix your gaze alternately on a distant object (20 s), then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 s).
4. Draw a square, a triangle (clockwise at first).
5. Draw a square, a triangle (counter-clockwise).

What should it look like on testing?
Try to avoid too bright colors in your clothes, so as not to annoy those with whom you will have to communicate during the test. Do not forget about the need to observe a sense of proportion. Nothing extra!

How to behave during the test?
If the evaluator is an energetic person, your sluggish appearance, quiet response with a lot of pauses may frustrate him. If the evaluator is a calm, balanced person, you risk causing him unconscious dissatisfaction with excessive facial expressions, gesticulations, and a loud voice.
I am ready! I'm collected!
Confident of success!
Remember: belief in success is half of success!
Take your time to answer or submit your work. Close your eyes and concentrate. Do you have anything to add to your answer? Remember: the important thoughts come after the answer is given. If you don't remember anything else, you can go to answer or hand in the work.

And if it fails?
Remember: strong personalities, when making mistakes, have the courage to admit their mistakes.
Admitting mistakes is not an assertion of helplessness. The attempt was simply unsuccessful. And every unsuccessful mistake is another step towards success. Even uncertain movement is better than inaction.
There is nothing wrong with the fact that you still need to work. It will be tomorrow, and today - rest. Then, after analyzing the causes of failures, outline ways to overcome them.

Remember: the one who does nothing is not wrong!